Tuesday February 17th, 2009

9:09:16 AM   Add/View Comments (0)

I want one.

Friday January 9th, 2009

1:48:47 PM   Add/View Comments (0)

The swingset is done. The rink is done (pretty much). What am I going to do next....I know how about this next summer!

Friday September 19th, 2008

2:14:30 PM   Add/View Comments (0)

This guy has some interesting goals in life.

Thursday September 11th, 2008

9:53:37 AM   Add/View Comments (0)

This is one of the coolest optical illusions I have seen.

Monday August 11th, 2008

12:59:22 PM   Add/View Comments (0)

Congratulations to Charlie and Kim! It was a great day. There was some discussion at the wedding about "the bet". I dug through the old polls, and found this.

Friday August 8th, 2008

7:42:48 AM   Add/View Comments (0)

This is cool.

Friday July 18th, 2008

3:12:11 PM   Add/View Comments (0)

This is just insane.

Tuesday April 1st, 2008

9:52:12 AM   Add/View Comments (0)

I found this really cool site, has a lot of good ideas for April Fools day. Just click here.

Wednesday March 5th, 2008

1:17:33 PM   Add/View Comments (1)

In case anyone is looking for a last minute gift to get me for my B-Day, look no further.

Wednesday February 20th, 2008

9:23:11 PM   Add/View Comments (7)

So how many of you watched this last night?